Dr Becky Inkster

“Money, Mental Health & Hip-Hop” Book Now Available / Find Out More

My Philosophy

I'm a neuroscientist, passionate about everything from cells to phones, genes to jewellery, hip-hop to hippocampi.

I research artificial intelligence/machine learning mental healthcare, computational creativity, ethics and governance, cybersecurity, digital / clinical / music-based interventions, social media data, genomics, molecular biology, neuroimaging, epidemiology, psychiatry, psychology, acoustic therapy (e.g., ultra-audible watermarking), FinHealthTech [the convergence of finance, health, and technology], space health, dance biometrics, statistics, policy, public engagement and more to improve our understanding of mental health. I have experience developing and managing multi-million pound research initiatives. I love engaging with youth culture, the arts, and society. 


University of Cambridge, Department of Psychiatry

Lancet Digital Health, International Advisory Board Member

IEEE SA Ethical Assurance of Data-Driven Technologies for Mental Healthcare, Chair

The Alan Turing Institute, Collaborating Researcher

Advisory Board Member for Addressing Socio-Technical Limitations of LLMs for Medical and Social Computing

NIHR Artificial Intelligence in Health and Care Award, Co-Investigator

Wysa, conversational AI for mental health and wellbeing, Advisor

The Lαβ, Co-Founder

Hip Hop Psych, Co-Founder

Arts ARKADE, Head of Science

Co-Editor, Special Issue: “Cybersecurity in Digital Mental Health”, Frontiers

Co-Editor, Special Issue: “Virtual Reality in Paediatrics”, Frontiers

Latest Announcements

My Dream-Come-True Work Trip to Singapore

Highlights of my trip (29th Sept - 5th Oct 2024) include:

  • Co-hosting a Forum on Regulation, AI, and Digital Mental Health in partnership with IEEE Standards Association. This event had incredible speakers, panellists, roundtable moderators, note takers, and delegates!

  • Giving an invited presentation to the Ministry Of Health (MOH) Office for Healthcare Transformation (MOHT) on “Human-Centred Arts & Science: The Role of Creativity in Understanding and Treating Mental Health Issues: Findings and Case Studies”. This event was hosted by Weng Mooi Tan and colleagues.

  • Giving an invited presentation to the Mind Arts Experiential (Mae) Lab hosted by Prof John Wong at the National University of Singapore (NUS)

  • Achieving a Key Milestone for The Lαβ: Successfully completing our first international Pop-Up in Singapore for The Lαβ (scanning multiple participants during their chosen moment - more details will be shared at a launch event in Singapore run by MaeLab and also coming soon on The Lαβ web page).

  • Visiting low socioeconomic status (SES) areas of Singapore to discover how the arts, culture, and community are supporting mental health and wellbeing

    • Visiting a group of seniors engaging in a research study involving drumming led by Prof Ang Seng Bin as part of his community drumming programme at Institute of Technical Education (ITE). I even got to participate in the intervention alongside the seniors!

    • Being guided by amazing local breakdancers (breakers) to explore the many ‘street dance hot spots’ around Singapore, including an inside guided tour of Scape from their own experiences of being there. I also brain scanned some breakers (B-Boys/B-Girls) while they danced in very unique environments.

  • Visiting the Singapore Association in Mental Health (SAMH) Space2Connect and having a guided tour around an incredible gallery with many artworks and words to describe the pieces. The theme was ‘Culture’ and it was fascinating, and at times very moving and emotional, given the connections that these vulnerable young people had made with their own mental health.

Invited Keynote, The University of the Western Cape, South Africa & Wysa Mental Health Colloquium

On 5 June 2024, I gave an invited Keynote at the The University of the Western Cape (UWC) & Wysa Mental Health Colloquium held in Cape Town, South Africa. I spoke on the topics of ethics, AI, mental health, and the importance of understanding culture, context and communities. Click below to see my presentation slides:

AI and Street Intelligence: A Radical New Roadmap for Creative Care


There is no shortage of intelligence in this world, or is there? A critical area that is often ignored is the power of cultural intelligence, in particular street intelligence and street literacy. In this lightning talk, the speaker will reveal key future directions in which street intelligence, youth-oriented music, and culture can be integrated into improving care support and used to enrich and propel more inclusive AI with humans calling the shots.

I look forward to co-chairing this Forum below as an AI UK Fringe event

Money, Mental Health & Hip-Hop Paperback & eBook Now Available

Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week 1-7 May 2023

A peer-reviewed academic paper I wrote with Wysa colleagues:

My latest paper: “Cybersecurity: A Critical Priority for Digital Mental Health” A first step toward building a Global Cybersecurity Culture in Digital Mental Health


  • I am mostly taking a break from giving presentations to focus on book writing, chapter writing, academic papers, and other publications in 2024.

  • Digital Innovation in Mental Health 2024 (DIMH2024) Conference, Lead/Creator, Virtual (London, UK) 18 July 2024

  • Invited Keynote Speaker, Royal College of Psychiatrists National Trainees’ Psychiatry Conference, 25th April 2024. Title: “AI and Mental Health.

  • Invited Speaker, AI UK, March 2024. Talk title: “AI meets SI: Street Intelligence as a Radical New Roadmap for Creative Care“.

  • Hip Hop Psych Book: “Money, Mental Health, Hip-Hop“ Paperback and eBook Now Available

  • Commissioned Book by Springer Nature, “The Ethics of Global Digital Mental Health”. Ongoing.

  • Book Chapter, “Hip-Hop and Mental Health: Perspectives from Psychiatry, Psychology, Public Health, and Neuroscience“ in the Book “Cambridge Companion to Global Rap” by Cambridge University Press. Ready for publishing.

  • Digital Innovation in Mental Health 2023 (DIMH2023) Conference, Lead/Creator, virtual/London, UK, 19-20 July 2023.

  • Computers, Privacy & Data Protection (CPDP2023). Panel Speaker. 25 May 2023. Panel title: “Regulating e-Mental Health: Progress, Pitfalls and Global Lessons”.

  • IEEE Telehealth IC Program. Invited Speaker 9 March 2023. Talk title: ‘Cybersecurity in Digital Mental Health: The API Project”.

  • Digital Innovation in Mental Health 2022 (DIMH2022) Conference, Lead/Creator, virtual/London, UK, 19-20 July 2022.

  • CASY 2.2. Collaborative Assistants for Society. Keynote Speaker. 18 March 2022. Talk title: “Prioritizing safety and integrity when innovating in digital mental health spaces”.

  • The Open Data Institute 2021 Summit Invited Speaker/Moderator, 2 Nov 2021. Talk title: “Generation C: How can data help young people emerge strong and happy from the pandemic?”

  • NHS England and NHS Improvement Invited Speaker. 22nd Sept 2021. Talk Title: “Cybersecurity in Digital Mental Health”.

  • Digital Innovation in Mental Health 2021 (DIMH2021) Conference, Lead/Creator, virtual/London, UK, 4-5 Aug 2021.

  • Hay Festival Invited Speaker, 4 June 2021. Talk title: “Young people’s mental health in a complex world’.

  • Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Grand Rounds. Invitation by The Grand Rounds Committee of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Mayo Clinic. 5th May 2021. Hip Hop Psych.

  • IEEE Standards Association Connected Health Cybersecurity Workshop: 28th April 2021. Facilitator.

  • UK Psychiatry Societies & Association of University Teachers of Psychiatry, 17th March 2021: AI in mental healthcare.

  • X4D Virtual Series, Remote Speaker, 7 Oct 2020: "Rhymes Equal Actual Life in the Youth*: Connecting Mental Health Support with Hip-Hop Culture" (*lyrics by KRS-ONE).

  • One Team Gov Suicide Prevention for World Suicide Prevention Day #WSPD2020 #OTGSP, Remote Speaker, 10 Sept 2020.

  • Digital Innovation in Mental Health 2020 (DIMH2020) Conference, Lead/Creator, virtual/London, UK, 4-5 Aug 2020.

  • European Congress of Psychiatry, Remote Speaker, 4-7 July 2020: “Early warning signs of a mental health tsunami: Initial data insights from multiple digital services providers during COVID-19".

  • IEEE Standards Association #WAMIIIVirtualTalkSeries, Invited Panellist, 8th June 2020: “The Great Migration Online: Connected Health and Wellness in a Challenged Cyberspace”.

  • House of Lords, Parliament, UK, Invited Panellist, 3rd March 2020: IncomeMax Parliamentary Event.

  • Royal College of Physicians, UK, Invited Speaker, 28th Feb2020. Artificial Intelligence in Gastroenterology: “AI, ethics and the art of medicine: a mental health perspective”.

  • Prime Minister’s Office, Dubai, UAE, Invitation, Dec 2019.

  • Event Creator & Lead, “FinHealthTech: New opportunities at the intersection of health and wealth”, held at The Alan Turing Institute, 5th December 2019.

  • Capital One, UK, Invited Speaker, 7th November 2019: “Voice analytics, vocal psychopathology and sentiment intensity”.

  • IASR/AFSP International Summit on Suicide Research, Invited Symposium Speaker, Miami, USA, 27-30th October 2019: “Social media, machine learning and suicidal behaviors”.

  • BBC Sounds & George The Poet, Invited Speaker as part of Hip Hop Psych, London, UK, 18th October 2019.

  • Twitter & Model Westminster, Invited Speaker, London. 3rd September 2019.

  • Digital Innovation in Mental Health 2019 (DIMH2019) Conference, Lead/Creator, London, UK, 13-14th August 2019.

  • British Association for Psychopharmacology Annual Conference, Public Event, Manchester, UK, 14-17th July 2019: “Hip Hop Psych: Lyrics, Drugs, Mind and Behaviours”.

  • Open Data Institute, Lecture, London, UK, 5th July 2019: “Digital mental health: finding signals, respecting noise and dealing with uncertainty”.

  • The Royal College of Psychiatrists International Congress, Symposium, London, UK, 1-4th July 2019: “Ethical futures in digital mental health: a helpful guide”.

  • Computational Linguistics in Clinical Psychology, Keynote Speaker, Minneapolis, USA, 6th June 2019.

  • The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) Convention, Keynote Speaker, UK, 16-18th April 2019: “How to mix AI with creativity: from astronauts to hip-hop and banking” .

  • Translational Research Institute for Space Health (TRISH) & NASA partnership, Workshop Speaker, Houston, USA, 17th January 2019: “Space health: innovation in biotechnology and conversational agents that address mental health and wellbeing”.

  • National University of Singapore Academic Psychiatry Conference, Plenary Speaker on E-Mental Health, Singapore, 18-23rd January 2019: “How will digital innovation shape the future of mental health services?” Also Invited Speaker at the Resilience Roundtable. Talk title: “Enhancing resilience from an AI perspective”.

  • AI for Government Summit, Workshop Leader, Toronto, Canada, 25-26th October 2018: “Data Trading Platforms & Trust”

  • Tanenbaum Centre for Pharmacogenetics, Centre for Addiction & Mental Health, Toronto, Canada, 25th October 2018: “Biotechnology, mental health and ethics”.

  • The Global Ministerial Mental Health Summit, Invitation, London, UK, 9-10th October 2018.

  • IBM Watson AI XPRIZE, Judging Panel, September 2018 - ongoing.

  • "Mics & Minds" Hip Hop Psych Neuroscience Study (music neuroscience intervention study) August 2018 - ongoing.

  • Digital Innovation in Mental Health 2018 (#DIMH2018) Conference, Lead/Creator, London, UK, 17-18th July 2018.

  • AI Global Governance Commission Meeting, Announced as an Advisor, Parliament, London, UK, June 2018.

  • All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Psychology Meeting, Parliament, London, UK, June 2018.

  • UN AI for Good Global Summit in partnership with The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, Invited Speaker, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-17th May 2018: "Earning the trust of disadvantaged AI stakeholders".

  • American Psychiatric Association (APA), Invited Symposium, New York City, USA, 5-9th May 2018: "New frontiers for artificial intelligence in psychiatry: from personalised health to community care".

  • The Royal Society and The Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, workshop invitation, London, UK, 3rd May 2018: "AI Narratives: How do we talk about AI?".

  • All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Social Media and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing launch, Invited Speaker, Parliament, London, UK, April 2018.

  • The Centre for Global Mental Health, The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Invited Speaker, London, UK, 17th April 2018: "Digital psychiatry, ethics and society: a collection of disruptive thoughts".

  • UCL Educational Psychology Group Leading Edge Day Conference, Keynote Speaker, London, UK, 27th March 2018: Children and young people in the digital age: what do EPs need to know? Talk title: "Putting ethics at the forefront of frontiers in digital mental health".

  • Facebook Mental Health Roundtable, Global Policy Team, Menlo Park, California, USA, 21st March 2018.

  • BBC Tomorrow's World, Filmed Interview, London, UK, 17th March 2018.

  • Royal Society of Medicine, Invited Speaker, London, UK, 14th November 2017: "Social media: challenges and benefits for mental health and wellbeing".

  • Digital Innovation in Mental Health 2017 (DIMH2017), Lead/Creator, London, UK

  • for more details see my CV

Spotlight on GSK3beta

How does GSK3beta relate to hippocampal volume, major depressive disorder, cognition and EPO clinical treatment?


Eminem’s Character, Stan: A Bio-Psycho- Social Autopsy

Hip Hop Psych (Co-Founders: Drs Sule & Inkster) Journal of Hip Hop Studies, Volume 4, Issue 1, Fall 2017, pp. 43 – 49