
Theme: Belief Systems

more details coming soon

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All Previous DIMH Conference Videos

Previously at DIMH2024

Theme: Creative Care

quick video tour

DIMH2024 Spotlight:

Special thanks for proactively helping with DIMH2024 goes to Craig A. DeLarge, MPH, MBA, CPC, Digital Mental Health Strategist, Researcher, Educator, The Digital Mental Health Project. www.digitalmentalhealthproject.com


Previously at DIMH2023

We also featured content about mental health in these countries

This conference is free to join - always has been and always will be. No strings attached. It’s a hobby, it’s a sales-free space, and it’s here to connect people who want to serve a greater good.

Previously at DIMH2022

Previously at DIMH2021

Keynote: Alissa Knight

Live Panel Videos

Speaker Videos

Featured Speaker: Maria Paviour

Previously at DIMH2020


theme: Ground Truth


Please enjoy viewing a selection of over 70 pre-recorded videos covering a range of topics relevant to digital mental health, sorted into these three categories below:

Online Digital Art Gallery

DIMH2020 is very grateful for the various artists who have contributed their work to our digital art gallery:

For many existing models of predicting mental health status, ‘ground truth’ relies on self-reported scales or self-reported diagnosis. In reality, ‘ground truth’ relies on expertise and collaboration from participants. This session will discuss topics related to human-centred mental health technology, prediction models of mental health status, emotion detection, annotation labelling, natural language processing of social media data and electronic health records. The goal of this session is to critically reflect on the concept of ‘ground truth’ data and the limitations of where we are in this space in order to challenge our current thinking so that we can establish more ‘joined-up’ workable solutions moving forward.

The FinHealthTech Consortium (FHTC) will be holding their third Quarterly Meeting, which will be open to all DIMH2020 delegates. In this session we will cover updates about the COVID-19 finanical services paper as well as the Scoping Review paper. Following this, the session will create a space for interactive discussions about how and why people with mental health problems might struggle to navigate different financial services processes and money-related experiences.

This panel brings together a range of perspectives from psychiatry, lived experiences, workplace digital mental health service provision, and other aspects to discuss areas of progress in this space as well as existing gaps and future challenges.

We are all feeling bodies, that feel joy, sadness, hot and cold, and often we feel pain - physical and emotional. But how can we cultivate a richer awareness of our inner worlds, and communicate experiences when sometimes words are not enough? This interactive art session is called: “Visualising the invisible: Creative expression of inner and outer body experience" and it goes under the skin to explore the invisible worlds of feeling and the connection between the brain and body.

It is more important than ever to ensure that equality and representativeness are built into technology decisions. This panel shares a wide range of expertise and experiences in areas such as developing diverse community engagement strategies, researching the policy impacts of AI and methods of evaluation for bias in these algorithms, digital design, and using big online datasets for deep learning. During this session, panellists will explore some of the challenges and opportunities for change.

“The hardest conversations reap the best results” (Sarah Jane Hatton). This session encourages people to feel safe and supported when discussing some potentially uncomfortable ‘hidden truths’ that they’ve experienced or feel aren’t being discussed broadly within the scope of mental health and technology. The panel will speak openly about some of the issues and challenges they have faced. This session also encourages people to voice their own ‘hidden truths’ (anonymously or named) in the Google Doc linked to this session.

This panel shares a wide range of expertise in areas such as psychiatry, behavioural addictions, psychology, clinical informatics, digital phenotyping, computer science, language technology, neuroscience, research, policy, ethical practices, digital services provision, technology innovation, just-in-time adaptive interventions, digital access to care and equity. Each panellist will share their insights and views on what the next steps for digital mental health should include and how we can start to map the journey ahead and make decisive actions together as a community.

Previously at DIMH2019




“I have never been to a conference like it: the range and diversity was simply staggering.  And even more than that, the atmosphere was just so welcoming and open - to be able to go and talk to anyone and know that each person you spoke to would be happy to talk to you and you would have an incredible conversation - that is truly extraordinary, unusual and very special.” Artist

“I really loved the way the agenda combined active fun-filled engaging workshops with deeply rigorous scientific presentations.” Telecommunications Expert

"DIMH is a powerful demonstration of how we should be moving together as a field: open, innovative, scientifically rigorous, and genuinely multidisciplinary." Academic

“It was f****** awesome. It was like going to a theme park” Computer Scientist


REGISTRATION for DIMH2019 is closed. Please see above, as registration for DIMH2020 is still open.

NO DRESS CODE be comfortable

SPONSORS  MindLife, Lancet Youth Commission, Mindwave Ventures & kind donations

PARTNERS Westminster School, Global Centre for Mental Health

SOCIAL MEDIA / SLACK   Want to help us spread the word? / Slack coming soon for all delegates to join!

CREATIVE CAPTURING We will have a creative illustrator, Grace Collins, and a spoken word poet, Mr Gee, walking around the conference translating various themes, discussions and experiences at DIMH2019. Their work will be displayed here after the conference.


Opening remarks 9:30 – 9:45 am: The Lecture Room, Westminster School, Dean’s Yard, SW1P 3PF

Perspective Leader Award Speaker 9:45 – 10:15 am: The Lecture Room, Westminster School, Dean’s Yard, SW1P 3PF

Morning break 10:15 – 10:30 am

Speakers 10:30 – 12:30 pm: Weston Building, Westminster School, Dean’s Yard, SW1P 3PF

Lunch break (a light lunch and cold drinks will be provided) 12:30 – 1:30 pm

Panel discussions 1:30 – 2:30 pm: Weston Building, Dean’s Yard, Westminster School, SW1P 3PF

Debate/Reflection “Censorship and Self-Expression” 2:45 – 4:00 pm: The Lecture Room, Westminster School, Dean’s Yard, SW1P 3PF

Afternoon break 4:00 – 4:15 pm

Art Exhibition: Gallery & Speakers 4:15 – 6:30 pm, Gallery Space in the Camden Room & Speakers in the Lecture Room, Westminster School, Dean’s Yard, SW1P 3PF.  Drinks reception 5:30 pm onwards. We’d love to hear feedback from you: our survey is here



Speakers 10:00 – 12:00 pm: Weston Building, Dean’s Yard, Westminster School, SW1P 3PF

Lunch break (a light lunch and cold drinks will be provided) 12:00 – 2:00 pm

Disparity Design Jam (a light lunch and cold drinks will be provided)) 12:00 –2:00 pm: Weston Building, Dean’s Yard, Westminster School, SW1P 3PF

Workshops 2:00 – 3:00 pm: (1) Financial Health (2) LYRICAL KOMBAT (3) Art in Dialogue. Location: Weston Building, Dean’s Yard, Westminster School, SW1P 3PF

Afternoon break 3:00 – 3:15 pm

Spotlight Talk: Insights from the Grenfell Tower Fire 3:15 – 4:00 pm: The Lecture Room, Westminster School, Dean’s Yard, SW1P 3PF

Closing Speakers: “Depression to Expression” Scott Ste Marie YouTuber & Mr Gee, Spoken Word Poet 4:00 – 4:30 pm: The Lecture Room, Westminster School, Dean’s Yard, SW1P 3PF

Closing remarks 4:30 – 4:45 pm: The Lecture Room, Westminster School, Dean’s Yard, SW1P 3PF

Disparity Design Jam Judging Competition 5:00 – 6:00 pm: The Lecture Room, Westminster School, Dean’s Yard, SW1P 3PF

Planning Committee/Event Leads: I am very grateful for contributions made by Kristina Barger (Disparity Design Jam Lead), Vanessa Yim (Art Exhibition Lead), Alison Cameron, Jenny Edwards, Shivani Patel, Gerry Craigen, Cara Lisette, Mariana Pinto Da Costa.

Word Art.png

Previously at DIMH2018


"Thank you for arranging such an inspiring event"

"It was certainly an amazing, insightful and productive time. I have never been at a conference that had such a diverse crowd, yet all focused on one issue. It really demonstrates the global importance of digital mental health and related issues have in the future." 

More feedback here

WHEN:  17-18th July 2018

WHERE   Manoukian Music Centre, Westminster School, SW1P 3QB / Weston Building, Dean’s Yard, Westminster School, SW1P 3PF

REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED   (Registration is required; attendance is free). Spaces are limited to ~90-100 delegates.


SOCIAL EVENT  digital interactive theatre - find out more here

CREATOR / SUPPORT & SPONSORS  Becky Inkster, London, UK / Westminster School, Alan Turing Institute

SOCIAL MEDIA   Want to help us spread the word?

THEME & AIMS   This summer's theme is centred around TRUST as examined from diverse stakeholders perspectives. The overall conference aim is to combine mental health, digital technology and culture to bring innovative positive change for those seeking mental health support. We will explore how digital technologies can be implemented into personalised and/or group mental health interventions and we will examine digital equality and develop culturally-sensitive ways to bring innovation directly to disadvantaged groups.

OUTCOMES  Confirmed Special Collection of publications based on the conference proceedings, kindly hosted by the journal, AI & SOCIETY: Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication. More outcomes will be announced during the Opening Remarks.

Previously at DIMH2017

inaugural conference



"I speak at a lot of conferences and am often underwhelmed by them, but I was really genuinely very impressed by what you managed to pull off – particularly the diversity and range of speakers with so many different perspectives and I felt like I learnt ever such a lot." Speaker

"It was particularly good to see people from different disciplines and backgrounds coming together to share information in a way that was supportive and collaborative" Delegate


Innovation & Strategies for Digital Interventions in Mental Health


31st July - 2nd August 2017

Westminster, London, England



TITLE   Innovation & Strategies for Digital Interventions in Mental Health

WHEN   31st July - 2nd August 2017

WHERE   Dean's Yard, Westminster School, Central London, England

REGISTRATION   Registration and attendance is free of charge. Total attendance is limited to approximately 80 delegates.

CREATOR   Dr Becky Inkster @Dr_Inkster (academic affiliations: Honorary Research Fellow Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge, UK & Visiting Scholar SAFE Lab, Columbia University, New York City, USA)

SPEAKERS & CONTRIBUTORS   More information can be found here.

SPONSORS & SUPPORT   Hospital Club, Starbucks, Wellcome Trust, Westminster School

SOCIAL MEDIA   Want to help us spread the word?

AIMS   The overall aim is to combine psychiatry, digital technology and culture to bring innovative positive change for those seeking mental health support. Our key objectives include:

  1. to explore how digital technology data (e.g., social media sites) can be implemented into personalised and/or group mental health interventions; and

  2. to promote digital equality and develop culturally-sensitive ways to bring innovation directly to disadvantaged groups, including the homeless, inner city gang members, prisoners/young offenders, refugees, victims of violence, perinatal mental health, low resource areas and more.

OUTCOMES  More information can be found here



DAY 1, The Lecture Room, Westminster School, Dean’s Yard, SW1P 3PF

Registration (12:00 – 2:00 pm)

Opening Remarks, Becky Inkster; Special Guest Speakers, sharing their social media journeys, headlined by poet Nikita Gill, and followed by members of Zimam Palestine (2:30 – 3:00 pm)

Keynote Lecture, Vikram Patel, Pershing Square Professor of Global Health, Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School (3:00 – 4:00 pm). Title: The Digital “Revolution” for Global Mental Health: from fantasy to reality

Social Event, The Hospital Club, Covent Garden (4:30 – 7:30 pm) - details here


DAY 2, Weston Building, Westminster School, Dean’s Yard, SW1P 3PF

Lecture Themes (9:00 – 12:00 pm; 2:00 – 5:00 pm):

  1. The Digital Psychiatrist, Chaired by Editor, Dr Niall Boyce; The Lancet Psychiatry

  2. Global Digital Mental Health, Society and Culture, Chaired by Ricardo Araya, King’s College London, UK.

  3. Technology & Methodologies, Chaired by Dr David Stillwell; Cambridge University, UK

  4. Ethics, Policy and the Public Sphere, Chaired by News Editor, Matthew Shaw; BBC, UK


DAY 3, Weston Building, Westminster School, Dean’s Yard, SW1P 3PF

Workshop Themes (9:00 – 10:00 am; 10:00 – 11:00 am; 11:00 – 12:00 pm)

There will be 5 parallel running conference workshops in which attendees can choose 3 to attend. This design has been used to encourage mixing of groups. Each workshop will ensure that attendees learn something about psychiatry, digital technology/methodologies, and various forms of culture. These workshops include:

  1. #BeyondTheBullets How do Chicago gang networks communicate violence and trauma using Twitter?

  2. #TheDigitalPsychiatrist We explore the capabilities and limitations of new technological approaches for patient interaction.

  3. #PrisonTransitionTools How can digital technology supplement the reform process for prisoners both inside and outside of prison settings?

  4. #ViewsFromTheStreet This Data Donation Project will offer the chance to analyse and interpret digital photographs taken by homeless people, which document their environments, daily experiences, thoughts and feelings.

  5. #FaceToFaceOrFacebook Here we explore the latest trends and success stories of those successfully applying these tools.

Discussion Roundtables (2:00 – 2:30 pm), Weston Building, Westminster School, Dean’s Yard, SW1P 3PF

Q&A Session Live Stream (3:00 – 4:00 pm), The Lecture Room, Westminster School, Dean’s Yard, SW1P 3PF  

The Q&A Session will be streamed live from the UK (3pm) reaching out globally. We will combine knowledge from the Lectures and Workshops and we aim to involve the public in the discussion using the hashtag #DIGITALMENTALHEALTHLIVE.

Closing Remarks (4:30 – 5:00 pm), The Lecture Room, Westminster School, Dean’s Yard, SW1P 3PF  


Post-Conference "Tech for social good" Hackathon

Wednesday 2nd August 5:30 - 7:30pm, Westminster, London. More details can be found here.


Feature: The Birth Trauma Association

The Birth Trauma Association (BTA) is the only charity in the UK focusing on the issue of traumatic birth. Therefore, we want to support and promote this great cause. Find out more here.