How Can We Combine Computer Science & Anthropology?

This Live Session is guided initially by Dr. Alison Kahn

18 JULY / 4:00 - 4:30 PM UK TIME

participants are then welcome to stay on until 5:00 pm for networking and further general discussions

Live Session: Part 1

A Celebration of Diana E. Forsythe (1947-1997)

Live Session: Part 2

We Will Then Open Up To All To Discuss Other Ways to Fuse Anthropology & Computer Science and Beyond!

References & Resources

  1. Diana Forsythe, `Engineering Knowledge: The Construction of Knowledge in Artificial Intelligence', Social Studies of Science, Vol. 23, No. 3 (August 1993), 445-77; `STS (Re)constructs Anthropology', ibid., Vol. 24, No. 1 (February 1994), 113-23. (mentioned above)

  2. Diana E. Forsythe Obituary 1947-1997:

  3. Diana Forsythe, `Blaming the User in Medical Informatics: The Cultural Nature of Scientific Practice', in David Hess and Linda Layne (eds), Knowledge and Society, Vol. 9: The Anthropology of Science and Technology (Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1992), 95-111.

  4. Diana Forsythe, `New Bottles, Old Wine: Hidden Cultural Assumptions in a Computerized Explanation System for Migraine Sufferers' Medical Anthropology Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 4 (1996), 551-74.

  5. Diana Forsythe, `Disappearing Women in the Social World of Computing' (unpublished paper presented to the AAA, Atlanta, GA, 3 December 1994).