Music & Mental Health: An Entire System Conversation
18 july / 2:05 - 2:55 PM uk time
Live Session Summary
Music is a part of the fabric of humanity; we have always used songs for community building, celebration, leading social movements and so much more. Wisdom and stories are carried on through song and musicians are at the helm of every subculture. Musicians are the world's natural healers, which is the quote that Ariana, founder of SPOKE, always leads with. Music is such an integral part of human culture, so the way it transitions and scales through technology should strive to retain the artist's integrity. In this conversation, Ariana and other experts will discuss how music can be viewed through a systemic lens, meaning how it affects us on a societal level; our culture, health, visions for the future and even politics. In this discussion, we will zoom out a little from the specific ways music heals us on a physiological and neurological level, to which there are many, and discuss the ways music shapes the fabric of our society. We aim for you to leave feeling hopeful, inspired and full of ideas.