FHTCQuarterlyMeetingAugust — Dr Becky Inkster

“Money, Mental Health & Hip-Hop” Book Now Available / Find Out More

FinHealthTech Consortium: Quarterly Meeting, 6 August 2020

Money Matters Session

have your SAY:

Please submit your questions and comments that you would like to be included in this session’s Google Doc.

11:05 – 11:15 am

Welcome & updates: COVID19 DIGITAL SERVIcES PAPER & scoping review


We extend our call to on board more digital finanicial services providers to extend our original paper as we continue to do follow-ups. More information can be found here. We will share progress updates regarding our scoping review surveying the literature on health, finance and/or technology (e.g., preliminary presentation of a systematic search identifying 103 randomised control trials involving schiophrenia/psychosis and finanical/incentive study designs).

presentation & discussion lead by squanderlust

11:15 – 11:50 am

This session is led by Martha Lawton from Squanderlust and it aims to create a space for interactive discussions about how and why people with mental health problems might struggle to navigate different financial services processes and money-related experiences. The presentation and discussion will focus on specific financial processes (e.g., opening a bank account) and break them down into steps in order to examine how vulnerable individuals within a specific context might struggle to navigate these steps. Where possible we will explore the potential for digital innovation to support an individual’s (and support network) financial health and mental health during vulnerable times.

11:50 - 11:55 am

Closing remarks for the session.

Martha Lawton

Martha Lawton is a financial inclusion specialist and former financial adviser. She has delivered numerous successful projects supporting vulnerable people to understand, access and use financial services for charities, housing providers and local authorities. She is especially interested in the emotional and psychological side of money management and host the podcast Squanderlust on this topic. Martha is an independent consultant working with Shelter, the Money Advice Trust, The Money Charity, the Centre for Responsible Credit and the Financial Inclusion Centre and is a member of the Initiative for Financial Wellbeing. She is the creator and co-host of the podcast Squanderlust, about the emotional side of money.