Creative Co-Production in Mental Health

18 july / 1:05 - 1:55 PM uk time

Live Session Summary

Topics to be discussed in this Live Session include:

  • Innovating high risk practice

  • Innovating research

  • Innovating shared practice between mental health providers and service users

  • Setting up the co-production network and sharing of best practice in implementation.

  • Research findings of how to implement co-production in mental health settings successfully.

Our set of short presentations on innovation in both practice and research in mental health settings with service users at high risk focuses on co-production between professional providers, and people with lived experience of mental ill health, currently titled Experts by Experience (EbEs).

Each presentation will focus one aspect of such a partnership, be it mental health practice or research evaluation of newly introduced innovations.

Presentations include:

Applying creative research method in facilitating the sharing of sensitive information

Professor Shulamit Ramon

1:05 – 1:15 pm

Lived experience expert and researcher:  Interviewing women with BPD/PD on a closed ward.

Dr. Joanna Fox

1:15 – 1:25 PM

The importance of reducing ‘interviewer bias’ has been traditionally emphasised in all forms of research. However, increasingly, in qualitative forms of research, it is accepted that it is very difficult to ‘bracket’ off the researcher’s knowledge, and they

are required to ‘reflect’ on their experience; an issue of even greater significance, when a lived experience expert is the researcher undertaking the interview. I reflect on my own perspective as a lived experience expert and researcher interviewing and

training women with BPD/ PD on a closed ward.

An example of co-production using video

Joannah Griffith 

1:25 – 1:35 pm

Co-production is an under-used yet powerful way of working. Bringing together various forms of expertise - lived experience, academia, research, can strengthen research beyond measure. 

I present a video I created for participants in our Photovoice study. The video explores the importance of co-production and showcases the ability to strengthen empathy by acknowledging and exploring similar mutual experiences. It is designed to reassure and empower. 

Implementing co-production within in-patient mental health services from a lived experience perspective.

Raf Hamaizia

1:35 – 1:45 pm

Implementation of Co-Production in Mental Health Organisations in the UK: insights of co-chairing a national co-production steering group and subsequent focussed research

Dr Jon Van Niekerk

1:45-1:55 pm

Amidst growing recognition of the limitations inherent in traditional hierarchical models of healthcare delivery, the College steering group investigated how co-production, a partnership approach in which service users and providers collaboratively design and

deliver services, can be effectively implemented within the complex and dynamic realm of mental healthcare. Co-production has displayed advantages at the individual, organisational, and systemic levels in mental health care; co-production fosters empowerment

through equitable partnerships, utilising vulnerability, and creative engagement to surmount systemic obstacles; however, it is crucial to have transformative leadership and a supportive organisational culture to facilitate co-production; and a comprehensive

ecosystem must be established to ensure its long-term sustainability.