SilverCloud Health

Angel Enrique Health, Digital Health Scientist;
Jorge Palacios Digital Health Scientist;
Derek Richards SilverCloud Health, Chief Science Officer


SilverCloud Health is one of the largest digital mental health companies, enabling providers, health plans and employers to deliver clinically validated therapeutic care. The company is rooted in academia and its platform has been validated through various randomized control trials and real-world data. Currently, SilverCloud’s user base is over 500,000 users and it grew by more than 119,000 only in the past year. The platform covers the entire spectrum of care, from prevention (e.g. Space for Resilience, Sleep, and Stress) to treatment (e.g. Space from Depression & Anxiety), and self-management of chronic health conditions. Furthermore, due to the the current COVID-19 pandemic, SilverCloud designed and made widely available a module addressing how to cope with the stress surrounding this critical situation.